UbuntuWire Community Network
UbuntuWire is an international community network dedicated to providing services and resources to support Ubuntu development. UbuntuWire is operated on an entirely voluntary basis, and coordinates closely with the Ubuntu development community.
Current UbuntuWire services include:
- search.ubuntuwire.org
- Ubuntu Community Search Engine
- people.ubuntuwire.org
- Web Hosting for Ubuntu Developers
- lists.ubuntuwire.org
- UbuntuWire Mailing Lists
- qa.ubuntuwire.org
- QA Resources for Ubuntu
- revu.ubuntuwire.org
- A Review Tool for MOTUs
About UbuntuWire
UbuntuWire was founded as a community support service to fill a gap between the services required by Ubuntu Developers, and the services that are provided by the primary Ubuntu sponsor, Canonical Ltd. UbuntuWire is a fully community-managed environment, dedicated to providing services to all Ubuntu developers, regardless of personal affiliation. UbuntuWire equipment, power, and bandwidth have been donated by UbuntuWire contributors in the interest of maintaining a common, shared platform with common administration and access control.
Contributing to UbuntuWire
If you have developed software tools that support Ubuntu development, and require hosting for a web interface, or the output of such tools, please contact the Server Administration Team with a request detailing the service, pointing to an existing implementation, and describing how this service would benefit UbuntuWire or Ubuntu development.
If you have servers (real or virtual) with significant bandwidth and uptimes, and would like to sponsor those servers for use by UbuntuWire and Ubuntu developers, please contact the Community Development Team to make arrangements.
Administration and Support
Server administration is provided by the Server Administration Team.
Support is limited, and provided on an as-available basis. For general questions, please ask in #ubuntuwire on the freenode IRC network. If you have specific issues that cannot be resolved by community support, please contact the Server Administration Team.
Current UbuntuWire sponsors include: